IVCO 2017
Implementation of the SDGs through a transformative partnership in volunteering
Jointly hosted by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and Forum, the annual conference for International Volunteering Cooperation Organisations (IVCO) was held in Seoul, Korea from 25-27 October, 2017. Focusing on the theme: Implementation of the SDGs through a transformative partnership in volunteering, IVCO 2017 was an excellent opportunity for heads of volunteer organisations and delegates from public, private, academic and NGO sectors around the world to network, discuss pertinent issues in volunteering, share innovative approaches, and build strong alliances.
Two years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, volunteering for development in all its forms remains a powerful and cross-cutting means of implementation for the SDGs. Volunteering, at home and overseas, builds capacity, solidarity and social capital. It facilitates social inclusion and accountability, and makes the world a safer place. Now especially, it is a counterpoint to isolationism, and it embodies a confident, hopeful, internationalist agenda.
To strengthen our collective actions, Forum invites organisations in all sectors to endorse this declaration and support this Call to Action. Please join the 20+ organisations who have already signed the Call to Action.